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Hello, this has absolutly passed any acceptable point, I don’t have service on my Iphone 11 since end of August and since then when I called Klanten Service I’ve been told KPN was having known issues about it and that my Iphone would be replaced, it’s been over 6 months without anyone from KPN contacting me about it and everytime I contact I get different responses.

I’ve been told I was getting my Iphone11 replaced by a 12, then that someone would contact me for my information, latest call being today and I am told I need to send my Iphone first for repair, loosing all my personal information and memorys inside it, and then getting the Iphone12 in an unknown period of time. Also I’ve been told that KPN does not refund the money for the time that the problem is presisting, take in consideration that this is a KPN problem, not a problem from my end! It’s trully the worse service I’ve seen! 

In conclusion, I’m paying every month for a service that I is not being provided as agreed on the contract.

Every call is recorded so you can hear the calls and confirm that in 6 months I was told different things or stuff that never came through, such as going to be contacted!


Nienke was the last person I spoke to and she managed to be hepful and was very nice, although I am very displeased with the overall Costumer Service! It’s terrible and you should refund costumers when you can’t fulfill your part of contract as you expect costumers to pay when the service is being provided! After all KPN is a service provider...

@Miguel de Moura Welcome to our forum.. 

Sorry to read that your iPhone 11 problems still aren't solved. 

I will send you a private message with more information.