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So I have an American iPhone 14 so it does not come with a sim card slot like the European iPhones so I have only been using the KPN esim on my phone. 2 days ago I woke up to the notification that I needed to insert my KPN sim card into my phone or else it will expire. I can’t do that if my phone doesn’t have the sim slot. Is the KPN esim doing this? I would imagine that my phone wouldn’t ask for the sim card when it doesn’t have a sim slot. What should I do with my number now? I’m attaching the settings notification and the page that opens up when you open the notification.


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Hello @Frederico M. 


It seems to be caused by the missing phonenumber in the settings.

You could try the solution I found in this post:

Remove the phonenumber from imessage

Deactivate imessage

Deactivate FaceTime 

Restart phone 

Activate Imessage 

Click the name of the line e.g. ‘Personal’

The phonenumber appears after a while (could take a couple of hours) and it’s stored

Activate facetime



Please let us know if this solution still works.

@Frederico M. You can ask someone (friends or neighbors) to use the SIM card with their phone. But esim does not work with prepaid anyway.

Hi @Frederico M., welcome! Did you try to use the steps GeSp is mentioning? I'm curious if that solves the problem. Please let us know!
