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Hello my name is Rodrigo Rech and I’m writing here because I don’t know what else to do. 

I will try to be brief (but it’s almost impossible): 

  1.  I ordered a SIM card from the online store and when it arrived my debit card for some reason didn't work so the delivery guy couldn’t give the SIM card. He suggested for me to cancel it and go to the store, which I did. Everything ok until then.
  2.  I went to the store (Rotterdam Centrum) to get a new one, and in the store everything worked, they got my docs, I paid for the 0.01 cent and he gave me the SIM card. 
  3. I went home with my SIM card and when I got home I inserted the SIM card on my phone and it was not working so I thought I might just wait a bit, but it never worked and the next day it was still not working. At this point I didn’t even have a phone number yet.
  4. So I went to the store (Schiedam where I live), the staff checked the system and told me that my subscription was not accepted, so it got cancelled so he asked me if I wanted him to try one more time with another SIM, so he tried and it got rejected straightaway so he advised me to go to look for another operator which I did. PS.: I asked him if it was really cancelled so I wouldn’t have any problems. He confirmed it was cancelled and I left the SIM card at the store
  5.  But after a few weeks I received an invoice from KPN telling that I should pay them €68,83 for the mobile subscription.
  6. I called KPN the same morning and I spent almost 2 hours on the phone talking to the three different people to explain what was happening.
  7. The first one told me that she should pass to another person, the second one told me there was nothing active in my name and the third one found an active subscription and she said that it was active it was not cancelled.
  8. So I asked her to cancel that for me, since I never even used the service and it was not fair to pay for something the store’s staff told me it was cancelled.
  9. The lady said that she would cancel it and I received an email with the cancellation. She also said that it should be ok, as she typed down the whole story in the system and it should be resolved.
  10.  A few days later I got a charge in my bank account from KPN which I didn't accept.
  11. Same day I went to the store again and talked to one of the staff to explain (one more time) the situation and he only said that in the system it looked active but that the bill was paid so he thought that when I cancelled it through the phone it automatically resolved the problem.
  12. Now I just received an email from KPN saying that I didn't pay for the €68.83 and I should pay it within 5 days. But how how will I pay for something that I didn't use?

This whole story doesn't make sense to me. It was not my fault, I tried many ways, I went to the store already twice. I called and nobody seems to solve my problem. I don’t even have a SIM card because I left at the store. Your own staff advised me to look for another operator

I don’t think it’s that fair I'm going to have to pay for something that I never used.


Can anybody please help me?



Hi Rodrigo, that looks like an complicated problem! Have you already filled your forumprofiel ? If you did then an forum moderator will come to you in this topic and do their best to fix it. 

Hi Rodrigo, that looks like an complicated problem! Have you already filled your forumprofiel ? If you did then an forum moderator will come to you in this topic and do their best to fix it. 

Very complicated indeed! Yes, I've filled the forumprofiel already. Thanks a lot 😊 

Hello my name is Rodrigo Rech and I’m writing here because I don’t know what else to do, or to call or to go. This is the second time I'm posting this issue, but I mistakenly accepted an answer in my old post which didn't resolve the problem and I couldn't undo it. 


I will try to be brief (but it’s almost impossible): 


  1.  I ordered a SIM card from the online store and when it arrived my debit card for some reason didn't work so the delivery guy couldn’t give the SIM card. He suggested for me to cancel it and go to the store, which I did. Everything ok until then.
  2.  I went to the store (Rotterdam Centrum) to get a new one, and in the store everything worked, they got my docs, I paid for the 0.01 cent and he gave me the SIM card. 
  3. I went home with my SIM card and when I got home I inserted the SIM card on my phone and it was not working so I thought I might just wait a bit, but it never worked and the next day it was still not working. At this point I didn’t even have a phone number yet.
  4. So I went to the store (Schiedam where I live), the staff checked the system and told me that my subscription was not accepted, so it got cancelled so he asked me if I wanted him to try one more time with another SIM, so he tried and it got rejected straightaway so he advised me to go to look for another operator which I did. PS.: I asked him if it was really cancelled so I wouldn’t have any problems. He confirmed it was cancelled and I left the SIM card at the store
  5.  But after a few weeks I received an invoice from KPN telling that I should pay them €68,83 for the mobile subscription.
  6. I called KPN the same morning and I spent almost 2 hours on the phone talking to the three different people to explain what was happening.
  7. The first one told me that she should pass to another person, the second one told me there was nothing active in my name and the third one found an active subscription and she said that it was active it was not cancelled.
  8. So I asked her to cancel that for me, since I never even used the service and it was not fair to pay for something the store’s staff told me it was cancelled.
  9. The lady said that she would cancel it and I received an email with the cancellation. She also said that it should be ok, as she typed down the whole story in the system and it should be resolved.
  10.  A few days later I got a charge in my bank account from KPN which I didn't accept.
  11. Same day I went to the store again and talked to one of the staff to explain (one more time) the situation and he only said that in the system it looked active but that the bill was paid so he thought that when I cancelled it through the phone it automatically resolved the problem.
  12. Now I just received an email from KPN saying that I didn't pay for the €68.83 and I should pay it within 5 days. But how how will I pay for something that I didn't use?

This whole story doesn't make sense to me. It was not my fault, I tried many ways, I went to the store already twice. I called and nobody seems to solve my problem. I don’t even have a SIM card because I left at the store. Your own staff advised me to look for another operator

I don’t think it’s that fair I'm going to have to pay for something that I never used.


Can anybody please help me?



Admin: Combined into one topic to retain an overview of the issue.


Hi @Rodrigo

You thougth there wasn't an active subcription because my colleague told you all were cancelled due to some reason. 

But then a month later you foud out it wasn't cancelled. You received the invoice. :( 

So you called again and the active subcription should be cancelled. 

I don't see it's cancelled but it's blocked due to fraud.

I will advise you to call 0800-0402 and ask for the Credit Risk department. My colleague knows a lot more about these issues than I do. 

Hi @Rodrigo

You thougth there wasn't an active subcription because my colleague told you all were cancelled due to some reason. 

But then a month later you foud out it wasn't cancelled. You received the invoice. :( 

So you called again and the active subcription should be cancelled. 

I don't see it's cancelled but it's blocked due to fraud.

I will advise you to call 0800-0402 and ask for the Credit Risk department. My colleague knows a lot more about these issues than I do. 

Hello, thanks. I'll call them again, I hope this time someone will be able to help me because so far nobody was able to provide me with a reasonable solution. Provably is blocked because I didn't  accept the payment. Thanks.