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Ik heb het eergister aangeschaft en het doet het niet meer sinds gister. Ik heb gekeken op deze forum maar een antwoord vind ik niet. Ik kan niet eens appjes versturen. Wat nu? Want ik ben zeker niet tevreden. Er staat een 3g logo maar ik kan precies niks buiten.
Hah FinesseChance, welkom op het KPN forum! Bedoel je de Prepaid bundel: Onbeperkt Online? met;

  • 30 minuten/sms
  • Onbeperkt internet (128 Kbit/s)
  • NL, EU, Andorra en Zwitserland
  • Stopt automatisch na 31 dagen

Kan het zijn dat je bij instellingen van je toestel mobiele data uit hebt staan? Waardoor je niet op 3G/4G kunt! Welk type en merk heb je?
Hi @FinesseChance, is het gelukt om op je telefoon te internetten? Ik hoor graag van je 🙂
my brother and my friends had same problem internet stop at morning of Thursday (2 days ago)
Hello @Alasaad, welcome at the KPN community. Well, that's very disappointing. Can you give me more information so I can help you? Do you have a subscription or prepaid KPN card? Have you activated an internet bundle? And which one? Hope te hear from you soon!
Hello @Alasaad@Alasaad, welcome to the KPN community. Well, that's very disappointing. Can you give me more information so I can help you? Do you have a subscription or prepaid KPN card? Have you activated an internet bundle? And which one? Hope to hear from you soon!

hi Nadia, yes I have KPN sim Card "Zogeloos onbeperkt online" the internet like joke in the best time it 0.10Mbps some times 0.03 or 0.04Mbps, sure will stop used KPN simcard no body want pay 10 euro for nothing.. others have a nice offers. I lose 20 euro for some Minutes of unnecessary calling.. in the case my brother & friends were used KPN Simcard had a good & speed internet but of some days KPN said that was mistake! now all will change sim cards for others!

Hello @Alasaad, thank you for the detailed information. Correct, we had a bug in the system, in your advance. By activating the Zorgeloos onbeperkt online prepaid bundle, you had acces to the 14,4 Mbit/s internetspeed in stead of 128 Kbit/s. We fixed it now. Sad to hear that the speed is mostly not that fast. Where are you located?
