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My name is Marta. 
With my husband, Adam we live and work in Amsterdam, 
I decided to renew my contract with KPN and chose the iPhone 11Pro. I was glad that I could choose the delivery date and decided to schedule it for Wednesday when I work at home and I can wait for the courier. The day before I went to Germany with my husband for the whole day. On the way back I checked the email from KPN and I was surprised that the package with my phone had the status "delivered" ... We came back at night, there was no message.
Yesterday I looked again at the email from KPN and saw a link to Track & Trace… 
According to PostNL, the package was delivered on Tuesday 7th at 20:30 when no one was home ! 

I called KPN ... Half an hour of music on the phone ... The consultant asked to wait a moment and ... hung up !!
OK ... PostNL ...
Chat with the machine that will decide whether I will receive a phone number for them ..! After an hour of waiting .... incompetence, lack of cooperation ... etc ...
Again the phone call to KPN ... This time they asked for patience ...

I have a few simple questions ...

1. Why the package was sent earlier despite a clearly planned delivery date.

2. Why KPN sends an expensive phone by regular mail, knowing that theft of packages is common in PostNL.

3. When will KPN fulfill the contract and provide the telephone?
I emphasize that I concluded the contract with KPN and I do not intend to wait for an investigation in PostNL etc. It is KPN's problem that he ordered delivery in an unreliable company.


Hi Marta, welcome to our forum here. 

This does sound a bit odd, it sounds like your phone has vanished during the delivery process. Just to be sure, would you please add the relevant phone number to your profile



This does sound a bit odd, it sounds like your phone has vanished during the delivery process. 


Odd... I would use other words to describe this, but  I can agree with this euphemism.  

I have to say that I find further action from KPN a bit odd as well… 
After reporting this case I received on 9th of January this email 


Beste mevrouw Walendzik,

Wij vinden het vervelend om te melden dat uw Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB, Space Grey met bestelnummer 20010632069671-1 tijdens de bezorging is zoekgeraakt. Samen met PostNL hebben wij een onderzoek gestart om ervoor te zorgen dat we uw bestelling zo snel mogelijk bij u kunnen bezorgen.

Hieronder leest u meer over de twee situaties die invloed hebben op het onderzoek.

Er is geen handtekening gezet voor ontvangst

Als er geen handtekening is voor het in ontvangst nemen van uw bestelling, zal het onderzoek maximaal één week duren. Na maximaal één week bezorgen we uw teruggevonden Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB, Space Grey of er wordt een nieuwe bestelling voor u geplaatst. U hoeft verder zelf niets te doen.

Er is wel een handtekening gezet voor ontvangst

Als er wel een handtekening aanwezig is voor het in ontvangst nemen van de bestelling - die dus niet van u is - ontvangt u binnenkort een aangifte formulier via mail. Nadat u dit formulier hebt ingevuld én ondertekend terug hebt gestuurd, wordt het verdere onderzoek gestart. Dit onderzoek kan maximaal 30 dagen duren.

Wij begrijpen dat u uw nieuwe toestel zo snel mogelijk in gebruik wilt nemen en wij betreuren deze situatie daarom enorm. Wij zullen er alles aan doen om uw Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB, Space Grey zo snel mogelijk bij u te krijgen.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Jörg Kramer
Directeur Klantenservice


It seems to be good news that finally KPN started an investigation but until now… nothing happened! 

No declaration form via mail, no contact from customer service, no new phone, of course… 
This is… hmm… odd, don’t you think? 



It's been two weeks from reporting the matter to KPN.
Is there anyone here who will give me information about the results of the investigation? !!! 

ANYONE  ?!!!

Let me start by saying that I truly understand your frustration. As far as I can see an investigation has been started by Post NL on the 10th of januari, haven't you heard anything from them? On your @kpnmail or e-mail address? In the mean time I'm going to ask internally about the status of this case, especially why it's taking so long. 

Leave it with me, I'll get back to you as soon as I know anything. 

Let me start by saying that I truly understand your frustration. As far as I can see an investigation has been started by Post NL on the 10th of januari, haven't you heard anything from them? On your @kpnmail or e-mail address? In the mean time I'm going to ask internally about the status of this case, especially why it's taking so long. 

Leave it with me, I'll get back to you as soon as I know anything. 


Thank you ! 

I haven’t received any message from Post NL, so far. 
I do appreciate that you going to take a look at this case, please keep me up to date. 

You're welcome. I expect to hear something on Monday or Tuesday.

I'll get back to you as soon as I hear anything. 

It’s been 4,5 weeks since this case was reported to KPN !!!
This is RIDICULOUS !!!!



You're welcome. I expect to hear something on Monday or Tuesday.

I'll get back to you as soon as I hear anything. 

Do you have any news ?

Hi Marta, the last update I go was on the 28th of January informing me that they've reached out to you. Not the case I assume? 

Today after 2 hours hanging on the phone I received from KPN Customer Service information that 



Is there anybody here who can advise/help what I should do ? 


Is there anybody here who can advise/help what I should do ? 

Well, let's start by answering my question I asked a week ago. The last update I got about this is that they reached out to you by e-mail with form that needed to be filled, this was on the 4th of February. 

Is there anybody here who can advise/help what I should do ? 

Well, let's start by answering my question I asked a week ago. The last update I got about this is that they reached out to you by e-mail with form that needed to be filled, this was on the 4th of February. 

On 28th of January I received an email from Ceva Logistics. I filled in the attached form, scan it and send back the same day hoping that it was the end of this story… Till now I haven’t anything more from Ceva Logisticts… 
However on 4th of February I got an invoice from KPN for iPhone I have never received !!!! 
I called Customer Service of KPN to ask about the status of the investigation. Finally, after being twice disconnected, I get on the phone someone who checked it and informed me that the case is still going on but because it was reported on the 9th of January he expects it will end within 30 days from this date. 
I informed that I will block debit for this invoice until I will receive ordered iPhone… 
I have to say I was quite optimistic after this call, the person from KPN seemed to be really helpful…  

Today I called KPN again… After more than 1,5 hour waiting !!!!!   KPN employee informed that : 

  1. Current status of this case is unknown for KPN I should ask at Post NL  / it is nonsense, PostNL will not share information / 
  2. She thinks that if I didn’t receive the form by regular mail from PostNL than probably there is even no internal investigation there. 
  3. Because I received an email from Ceva Logistics on the28th of January 30 days period for investigation starts counting from this date. She also doesn’t know why it took 19 days to send forms to me…. Almost forgot… She said she THINKS !!! it is 30 working days. 
  4. If I disagree with billing me for the item KPN never delivered and refuse to pay the invoice I will be disconnected. 
  5. When I informed that I demand termination of the contract because KPN didn’t fulfill it within legal term of 30 days and I want to know what is the procedure in such situation, she told me that I CANNOT terminate contract, I HAVE TO wait for results of the investigation, I HAVE TO pay something I don’t have and never received and she has NO IDEA how long this will take… 

That’s more or less the current situation… 





Small update for the people following this thread. I spoke to Marta. We cancelled the whole order so that Marta can simply place a new one and receive her phone within a couple of days. :) 

Marta, did everything go well?