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Recently our organization moved to cloud proxy VPN solution which runs over DTLS. Many users are using their KPN phone as a hotspot to work from the location where the wifi is not present.  But since the VPN moved to DTLS there is a severe performance issues, files are not getting load, slow browsing etc. Now if we connect other operator like T-mobile, vodafone as a hotspot than there is no issue all works like a charm over DTLS on the same phones. KPN connection we checked from various location and it is same everywhere over DTLS. 

So somebody else facing the same issue with DTLS or have some tips?




Which apn are you using?

When you use apn internet the mobile device will moste likely get an IPv6 address instead of an IPv4 address. It could be that your vpn with dtls is not supporting ipv6?

You can try to use apn which is only IPv4 and see if this solves the problem.


For your information:

On Android phones like Samsung or OPPO etc it is possible to use apn internet with ipv4 only but you have to change the apn settings in apn-protocol from ipv4/ipv6 into ipv4 only.

Thanks for your response and support Neville.


I am using APN : - KPN Internet

After changing to IPv4 only in APN did seems resolved the issue. However i am doing some more testing but so far results are good. Also investigating the exact reason  of having issue with IPv6.