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HELLO I have internet abonament on my phone, unlimited data. I have a big problem, I can’t use my internet more than 2 min, every time I have to turn ✈️ mode on and off and it works again, and I noticed that internet works only for 125 mb than I have to do that thing with ✈️ mode. And there is one more problem that I don’t get sms from Kpn with that thing that I am 80% of my data or 100% îs a problem from KPN or…? I changed the phone and it’s same thing .. someone can tell me something? Thank you

Hello @Adi62113, welcome to our forum!
Thank you for your message. I'd love to take a look at your number.
Could you update your profile and mention your mobile number and the last 3 digits of your bank account number in the “persoonlijke opmerkingen” field there?

Hey @Adi62113, it's been a few days. I havent heard from you yet.
Have you found the cause of this problem?

Since I havent heard from you yet I'm assuming you no longer experience this issue. If not, let me know!