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hi @Remco_  - I have the same issue with my apple watch - have been on the phone to KPN for 3 hours and no resolution but I have the same issue prescribed as above - is this something you can help with?


Admin: Split off. Made a separate topic for your question. 


Hi I have the same issue - How did you fix this? I have called but received not help yet


Admin: eigen topic voor vraag aangemaakt

Hi @Ricky12345, when I check your number, it seems like everything is active now. Can you confirm this? 😊

I haven’t heard from you again, so I’m assuming don’t need any more assistance. If you have any other question, please let me know!

Hi, yes after numerous calls back and forth and a new simcard. The resolution was to delete multi-sim completely and then re order it. Then it managed to delete my ICCID registration within KPN to connect to a new one. 

Ah, I'm sorry to hear this has caused you so much trouble, but thankfully everything is working correct now!