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I also have the same issue. Can anyone tell me how to solved it?


Admin: afgesplitst en eigen topic voor je aangemaakt


Hi @Antoun, welcome to our forum. Are you still experiencing this when you try to activate it? 

Have you tried calling us at 0800-0402 yet? That is the quickest way to contact us.

Hi @Jasper thank you for the reply. It was solved by calling indeed.
The Multisim was instantly deleted from my account, and then it worked when I added it again manually again from my watch app.

It would be great if you could allow the users the delete the Multisim themselves though to reduce this friction and necessity to call and wait.

Thanks again.

I'm happy it has been solved @Antoun!

Being able to delete it yourself might be easier, I'll forward that idea so the developers can consider it.

Hi @Jasper I’m experiencing the same issue as the others here. I called 0800-0402 but they couldn’t help and did not transfer me to a technician or submitted the case for anyone to have a look. I’m trying for a few days already with different people at KPN but no luck at all. Would you please help me here and deactivate the current e-sim on KPN end. So I can give it another try to set it up. Thanks in advance!

Hi @Andrii, if my colleagues transfered the situation to a technician, I would probably have to do the same thing. I have the same options as my colleagues, if they couldn't solve it, neither can I. It's best wait for the techincians to contact you.

Hi @Jasper, thanks for your reply. I called 0800-0402 many times but unfortunately none of your colleagues logged a case for me. 

But finally after many attempts I was redirected to the department who does cancellations (opzegging) and we got this issue solved by cancelling my multisim subscription on KPN end by the support agent. It took us 1-2 minutes to do that. After I was able to start fresh with the setup from the Watch app on my phone. And it worked well.


For anyone with this issue, please make sure you call cancellations (opzegging) department. From my experience, no one else was able to solve this.

I'm glad it has been resolved @Andrii! It's not only the cancellations department that can do this, there are other departments like Antoun experienced. In your case this worked best.

If there is anything we can do for you in the future, don't hesitate to ask.