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Hi Team,

I’m a KPN client, but I’m currently in Spain (and will be here at least 2 more months). As I am a very lucky person, my phone got stolen, which means I lost my Dutch SIM, access to all the apps etc etc. I can’t order a new SIM online, as I need a verification code that I get on my nr.


Moreover, I changed my address in NL, but I can’t change that in the system either, since (once again) I need a code from verification SMS. And I can’t pick up the SIM, as there’s someone else living at my old address and I can’t contact them

After already 3 calls to KPN, nobody can help me. I called last Friday and I was told that my address was finally changed in the system and that my new SIM was ordered to my new address in NL (so that my friends can post me my SIM to Spain). However, after 1 week - no SIM card. I entered the system and apparently it was a lie? My address was still the same and the SIM wasn’t sent (very upsetting!! I lost an entire week due to the incompetency). I called again today and they told me address can’t be changed. 


Can someone help me? It’s not a great system if your phone is stolen abroad, not user-friendly at all. I can’t access anything and nobody is helping me.


Thank you

Hi @aleona, welcome to our forum!
I'm afraid I don't have solution here either.

It's not possible to change your address without a verification code sent by SMS, the only exception is by going to a physical store but I can imagine that's not really an option either. Also only the contract holder can request this.
The only way to get a new sim-card is by sending it to the adress you have registered with us or in a physical shop. Neither of which is an option right now.