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Hello there,

after receiving a message from KPN via SMS that my existing number will be transferred to KPN’s network today I swapped the SIM card from my old provider to KPN in my iPhone 12 and initially got  both a data and phone connection.
It was my desire to use E-SIM on this device so I followed the steps as instructed through the KPN app and successfully downloaded the E-SIM card. I took care to remove the physical SIM card from my iPhone as soon as instructed by the app. I could not, however, make sense of the last instruction which prompted me to modify something relating to my old subscription and my contacts. 
Unfortunately, since I performed the E-SIM download I have not been able to establish a data or phone connection with my iPhone. The iPhone reports no service.
What steps do I need to take in order to enable a data and phone connection again?

Thank you for an answer in advance! 

Hi @Sören Petersen . Welcome to the forum.

So sorry to read this. Did you manage to fix the issue ?

Hello Erwin,

yes I was able to resolve the problem by simply waiting on the iPad’s SIM activation. For my iPhone I went into a KPN store were I was given a new physical SIM card with which I was able to activate a new E-SIM in my iPhone. The previous E-SIM that I attempted to activate in my iPhone was marked as deleted, possibly owing to the back and forth caused by the physical SIM card being inserted and removed from the iPhone multiple times during multiple unsuccessful E-SIM activation attempts.

Something must have gone wrong with the first activation of the E-SIM I performed immediately after receiving KPN’s notification that my subscription was now activated as the physical SIM card continued to work for some time after I performed the E-SIM replacement. It seems as though the new E-SIM was not activated and the old physical SIM card was not deactivated even though both the iPhone’s settings and the KPN app indicated this had happened. The physical SIM eventually deactivated, funnily enough mid-call with KPN support without the E-SIM activating in return.

In conclusion, I was without mobile service for roughly 24 hours. Is it possible to receive a refund for this? I would further recommend to make the E-SIM activation process more intuitive, perhaps by sidestepping the activation/deactivation issue altogether, by virtue of simply providing an E-SIM from the start without going the route via a physical SIM having to be replaced with an E-SIM. 


Can you fill out your profile and give me a sign?

Hi, excuse the late reply! I called with support and all issues are resolved! 
