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Whatever I do I cannot get my mobile data to work in Croatia, how can I solve this? I’m paying for literally nothing.


Admin: afgesplitst, eigen topic voor je bericht aangemaakt

Welcome to our forum @saratusak! I`m sorry to hear internet does not work. By paying for nothing, do you mean that you've purchased a data for abroad?

I would like to ask you to visit our page on using data abroad. There you will find tips on what to do in your situation. If that doesn't help, please let me know here. 

Dear team,

I have purchased a package with unlimited data, calls etc. Not any specific package for going abroad, because i’m still within the EU. When I arrived in Croatia I received a text from KPN saying I no longer have unlimited data, but 50GB a month, meaning there should be no problem. My roaming is on, I’ve reset my network settings, changed my network selection and nothing. I have been continuously taking my SIM card out for the past few days, which worked only a few times, and doesn’t anymore.

I find it hard to believe it is my phone’s fault rather than KPN’s fault.

@saratusak is there any chance you could put your sim card in another phone? 

It doesn't have to be that it's your phone's fault so much as a problem with the settings. That doesn't mean you have to get a new phone. Just that some settings may need to be changed

If the same SIM card gives problems in the other phone you may need a new SIM card. This is not something we can do while you are abroad. Because the SIM card can only be activated while connected to a Dutch cell tower. 

No, it doesn’t work in any other phone. I’ve had this problem before and the internet always starts working as soon as I enter NL, meaning the problem isn’t in the SIM card. I will try to get help from your stores when I get back to NL, but whenever I go there no one is of help. It’s like the employees aren’t trained for certain basic situations, and it seems like this happens often. It is very unfair I am paying 33e for a month of no internet?? Honestly, unbelievable. I know it’s not your fault directly but I am advising KPN in general to improve their overall service, because this is ******** :)


Admin: bericht aangepast i.v.m. forumregels

@saratusak the reason for my last response was that you indicated data does work when you take your SIM card out and put it back in again. 

Could you fill out your profile? And let me know if you are still abroad? If you are, I`m going to check my systems and see if I can do a sort of reset of the roaming settings. After that I'd like to ask you to turn your phone off and on one last time. To see if it works.

If not, I can alert our technicians to have a look what the problem is.

I don't want you to think I`m not taking your problem serious. Because I do take it serious. But my job also requires me to ask questions that may seem repetitive. This is merely me trying to make sure we don't skip a simple step that might fix the problem.