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I don’t have calls/internet in Spain. My iphone 12 isn’t able to find a network. It keeps saying ‘’no service’’.


I’ve already call KPN three times, but they aren’t able to help me.

Hi @Sandra Santos, welcome! Sorry to hear you're having no service abroad. To check: it did work when you were still in the Netherlands? Have you tried turning your phone off, leaving it off for about ten minutes and then turning it back on again? If not, please do so. This will force a reconnection and hopefully it will then also properly connect to a Spanish network. If it doesn't work, try the sim card in a different phone to see if that works, or if it also gives no service. If it works in another phone, check the settings on your phone if you haven't accidentally disabled anything in the network related settings.

If the problem persists, please fill in your forum profile and reply here when you've done so. Also helpful to know: what phone do you have?


Hi @Erik_ , Thanks for your reply.


When I was in The Netherlands it was working. Also, when I arrived to Spain it was also working, but after a few hours it was not working anymore. I turned off the phone many times, and no change at all, still no service. Further, I tried the sim card in other phones (IPhone X, IPhone 5s) and still no service. 

My actual phone is an iPhone 12. Since the problem persists, I fulfilled the forum profile.

Hi @Sandra Santos Thank you for fulfilling your Forum Profile. Could you add the number of your sim card as well? Have you recently requested another sim card? 

Hi @Bart_ thanks for you answer.

I just added my sim Card number in comments on my forum profile.


I requested a new sim card this afternoon due to I thought that perhaps the actual sim is not working properly. However, if you can fix this issue before receiving it, i won’t used it.

Hi @Sandra Santos I must honestly admit that I don't completely understand what's going on. I can see you requested a new sim card yesterday afternoon. This one is not yet activated. 

But I can also see you requested a new one before that, in the middle of the night, while you were already in Spain. This one was activated rightaway. Did you try to request an E-sim perhaps? This activated sim has a different number than the number you gave me, which is probably the reason why your current sim card isn't working. 

Haven't heard from you anymore. If there is still anything I can do, please let me know.