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Last Wednesday 20-12-2023 , I did a transaction to buy  a phone trough a subscription of 2 years with initial payment of 384 Euros.  the weird thing is that at the end of the process KPN request to do a payment (something that i didn't know that is weird) of the initial amount (384),  I received a confirmation from KPN regarding the request, saying "within 1 day you will received a confirmation order” something that i did not happen and I went to KPN store Almere to ask for information and end up that there is not transaction for my account. 

I know that everything is KPN and not a fraud because the money went for KPN account that i have use before to buy internet bundle for Prepaid SIM-Card

you can see on the picture below the transaction and the account number that is KPN and in another Forum i have seem the same account number, so I would like to request a refund of this transaction pls. because my transaction of buy the phone didn't went trough 

Best Regards,


Admin: afbeelding verwijderd i.v.m. privacy

Hi @Payment upfront for a phone and welcome to our forum!

If you’ve called about it and the order can't be found anywhere, then you'll automatically get your money back within two weeks. 

Just to make sure the order is cancelled/gone, I do suggest calling us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
Ask whether they can check your order for you. If my colleague then also states that the order isn't anywhere to be found, then you can expect your money back within 2 weeks!