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After months of dealing with customer service on the phone from both Odido and KPN, now I am escalating it to public forums as no solution has been found to my problem.

In March I agreed to switch both Internet and mobile to KPN after being promised flawless phone number transition. That did not happen even after I had multiple phone calls with both KPN and Odido. So now I am trying to find the company responsible as the last time I talked to a KPN employee on the phone his statement was that KPN did everything correctly. At the moment in the Odido forums they are stating the opposite, that Odido did everything correctly.

And here I am 5 months later, dozens of hours wasted trying to get my promised phone number back with no avail. 

No response from KPN here and your Eindhoven location employee stated they cannot do anything for not following proper procedures. Time to consult with a lawyer as the mobile companies in this country cannot take responsibility for their actions.
