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I have a huge problem. Normally it is simple, but customer service made it really complicated.

I have 2 contracts, 2 phone numbers. I wanted to renew both contracts with 2 phones. When I made the first order, I received the confirmation email and I saw that was on the old address, so I told the person I was talking to this issue, so he canceled the order (At least this is what he told me). The other order we made it right.

But the next day I received a call that the order must be canceled. I try to talk to them to explain, nothing. They canceled the right order.

I called many times until I found a guy, spent more then 1 hour talking and finally made the order again.

The other order, the first one, was waiting for the system to cancel it.

So I have 2 orders: one that is good, and the other one, waiting to be canceled, and for this I had to call from time to time to check.

Imagine: every day calling, more then ones, everybody telling me that the order is canceled and I should come back with a phone in a day or 2.

They said that somebody made a mistake and my order is stuck somewhere. I can do anything about it, just to wait. Someone told me that I have to wait for the device to return so that the order to be canceled. But the thing is that the device didn’t left. The order was cancelled before. And there is no proof that the device was received, not even that it left.

Last conversation someone told me that the device is their warehouse. So he canceled the order (like everybody else before) but I have to wait again 2 days for the system.

I talk on chat with someone, he said he send an email to his colleagues and again they canceled the right order.

So now they have to cancel also the cancellation of the right order.

I don’t know where to call, to go or what to do. And nobody cares, nobody checks, nobody is doing nothing but mess in this situation.

Thank you!
Hi Constantin, welcome on our board. This doesn't sound right. Would you please fill in your profile with the 2 phonenumbers. I'll gladly look into it. Please let me know when you have done this.
C Nastase the numbers is **** and ****

Thank you!

Thank you, I see that the number ending with 190 has just been renewed, with a iPhone xr Coral. Is this correct? The number ending with 459 had been renewed with a iPhone xr Black. Is your new address J.H.Leopoldhof street? Let me know what exactly is not right here.

Yes. We were called by one of your colleagues and I made the order for the number ending with 190 (finally) and the order that was canceled by mistake, for the number ending with 459, he said that now it’s ok, that the cancellation was canceled.

I hope this time it is everything in order and this was the last time I will contact Kpn, for the next 2 years.

Glad to hear, as far as I can see everything is as it should. Feel free to let me know if there's something I can help with in te future.
Thank you so much!

sorry to bother again, but I am afraid to call customer service. The order supposed to come today, but is something wrong with it.

Thank you!
This is outrageous!!! No order was made. Nobody can find my order that was placed yesterday (for the phone number ending with 190). It’s unbelievable how you guys work!!!! I am so tired of phone calls and messages without any solving.

I called today, spoke with a lady, she is telling me that there is no order, she put me on hold for 28 min and after that she hangs up on me. This is really mean! I am treated really bad by the people from customer service. And why? I just wanted 2 contracts and 2 mobile phones. And for this I have to wait, call, text for 2 weeks because people are keep making mistakes. And I am the one who is paying for those mistakes. Why?
I'm trully surprised about this. I've sent you a pm regarding a good time for me to contact you.