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I’m trying to access a KPN FON hotspot as a kpn customer but I cannot receive the password via SMS. I sent the SMS ‘WIFI AAN’ to the 1266 number and keep getting the message back:

‘Beste klant, helaas kunnen we uw aanvraag voor KPN Wifi niet verwerken. Neem voor meer informatie over uw accountgegevens contact op met de klantenservice via 1200. Groet, KPN’


I contacted your customer service and they were not able to help me. Can you please help me get a password?

Thank you.

Hi @Isabela, welcome to our forum. That is a message we see when FON is already active on a KPN subscription, it can't be activated twice. I want to look into this for you. Can you add your postal code, house number, name and date of birth of the subscriber, your KPN 06-number and the last 3 digits of your IBAN to your forum profile? If you do this in the boxes that have 'privé’ next to them it will only be visible for you and moderators.

If you reply here afterwards, I'll know I can look into this for you.

Hi @Isabela, I haven't seen a reply from you yet. If I can still help you with this, please let me know.

Hi Jasper, sorry about the delay. I received the sms with the password a couple hours later. Thank you for your help though!

No problem @Isabela, I'm glad you received the sms and that you can use it :slight_smile:  If there is anything else we can do for you, don't hesitate to ask us.

Hi Jasper, I’m having problems with logging into the hotspot again. It was working fine for me until an hour ago. I tried to log in now with the same user and password that I’ve been using and it says that the combination of username and password is incorrect. I don’t understand how this happened, can you help?
