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Dear KPN,

I was in Poland for holidays but had problem in using internet. I was staying outsie of the city and the coverage for each network is different. Here are my problems per network:

  1. PLUS- vry good coverage and it seems that this network as preferred network. The problem is that it does not allow connection to LTE. Very often I had EDGE only even it the middle of the city! Max you can get is HSPA but still super slow.
  2. very good coverage. No access to this network at all. My telephone says- your sim card does not allow to connect to this network.I checked also with my wife phone and simcard- the same problem. The funny hinh is that if you have Tmobile pl card and while roaming in the Netherlands - KPN allows connection even to LTE-A (4G+). I wrote about it already on Facebook but they told me they cannot help further
  3. Orange- no coverage indoor- relatively good outside. Useless when you are at home but allows LTE connection
  4. PLAY- no connection indoor, poor connection outsie. Allows LTE

Can you do something about it- especially with access to network. I tired it in many locations- even in Warsaw. Can you check why is this network allowing KPN cards to join? Via Facebook they told me that KPN has agreement with so it should work.

I would be grateful for help
Hi @Mpiotrek, welcome! We have an agreement with all of the above, so that shouldn't be a problem. Were you travelling with someone else? Did they also have KPN or another provider? And did you notice any differences? I'm affraid there is nothing we can do about it, because it's not our network in Poland.
Dear Marcia, I was travelling with my wife and she also could not access network. In the past I have Tmobile NL network and never problems in roaming. The difference is huge- all other network barely signal and almost full. Strange you cannot do anything with it- Igues you have roaming agreement so KPN sim cards should work in Poland and vice versa. Is it really that difficult to check? And it is not one time incident as when I was in April in Poland I already complained about it. In April I though maybe temporary problem but when you come another time and you experience the same problem it is quite annoying
Yes, I understand! I will check with our technical support, could you please update your forumprofile with your 06-number, zipcode + housenumber and customernumber(s)? Then I will look into it.
Yes, I understand! I will check with our technical support, could you please update your forumprofile with your 06-number, zipcode + housenumber and customernumber(s)? Then I will look into it.

Hi Marcia, I added the information which you requested. Could you check the roaming issue for me? Thank you

@Mpiotrek: I'm very sorry for the late response. I have created a ticket to our technical support team with details of your experiences with all the available providers. They will give you a call in about 2 weeks. I hope we can find a way to improve your experience the next time you'll visit Poland.

@Mpiotrek: I'm very sorry for the late response. I have created a ticket to our technical support team with details of your experiences with all the available providers. They will give you a call in about 2 weeks. I hope we can find a way to improve your experience the next time you'll visit Poland.

I actually got some that they checked it and found not find any blockades from your side. In this case- maybe SIM exchange will help? What do you think?

“Beste klant, n.a.v. de melding dat u in het Buitenland geen tot weinig internet kon gebruiken, Er zijn geen blokkades en wij hebben geen invloed op het netwerk in het Buitenland hoe daar het bereik is. Zien ook dat u nu niet in het Buitenland bent en kunnen niet zien waar u mee verbonden bent geweest.Mocht u weer problemen hebben in het Buitenland dan horen we dit graag op dat moment. Met vriendelijke groet, KPN”

This is the response I got yesterday. Can we try replacing the SIM card? Do I have to go to the shop to get new one? How much is it the replacement?

Glad the technical support's reaction was a bit faster. I don't think replacing the sim card makes much sense in this case. The sim card itself is working fine. The issue seems to be with the networks in Poland or the connection between those networks and the KPN network. I think the advice given in the sms is the best plan. If you're in Poland again and you experience issue, try to contact us while you're abroad. If you also have issues with telephony feel free to leave a message on this forum and we will create a new ticket.

If you also have issues with telephony feel free to leave a message on this forum and we will create a new ticket.

Dear Joran, I just came back from UK- where I experience similar problem. I am kind of geek so when abroad i try which network is the best (usually means network signal and internet speed) I do not know if Vodafone UK is your roaming partner but I noticed my sim card did the same as in Poland so saying that simcard does not allow to connect to this network. If Vodafone UK is not KPN partner then it is correct that I could not connect to Vodafone UK. If you have agreement with them- then it is second network in two countries that I have problems connecting.

I also noticed another issue- my KPN simcard has problems with establishing connection when in Roaming. I have dualsim phone and my second simcard finds roaming network lest say within 30 seconds after swithing on the phone. KPN simcard usually does not find anything for a long time and I need to restart phone Isometimes it helps and simcard finally connects to roaming network but after very long time compared to other simcard) or I have to search manually for networks and then connect to one of them.  Same problem with my wife sim card but her card is even worse- her card sometimes does not want to connect manually to any network in roaming and you have to try several times to succeed. I do not know where the problem is- might be also phone as we have both Galaxy S10 but because my other sim card has no problems with connection compared to KPN- I recon there is something wrong with either our simcards or KPN configuration.


I would like to hear your advice

Hi @Mpiotrek, welcome back. Am I correct when I say that you're back in The Netherlands? Because, like before, when I make a ticket like Joran did last time, they can't really do anything because you're not there. I'm reading the problems you're experiencing and I find it hard to pinpoint what is causing it. So my advice would be to get new simcards, because it certainly can't hurt, and it doesn't cost you money. If you're back in the country you can just walk to a KPN Shop, and they will take care of it right then and there. I can't guarantee that it will be the solution to all the problems but I can't think of any other options right now. Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Dear @Joran, @Paul_ and @Marcia_ 

I got new sim card but the problem persist. Still o cannot log in to network. It is something I do not understand and I do not understand why you cannot do anything. Don't you have department who is taking care of Roaming and can ask I guess KPN has agreement with as roaming partner and from our previous talks  alsohere and on KPN Facebook i concluded that I should be able to use this network as well. Does it means that only I (and my wife) have this problem? 

Hello @Mpiotrek. I don't know what the problem is, so the only thing I can do right now is make a ticket for our technical department… So that’s what I’ve done. They will contact you as soon as they made their analysis. I hope they will find out what's going on here!

Hello @Mpiotrek. I don't know what the problem is, so the only thing I can do right now is make a ticket for our technical department… So that’s what I’ve done. They will contact you as soon as they made their analysis. I hope they will find out what's going on here!

Hi @Paul_ . Finally, after 4 months, I know the answer. I was called by technical department who did investigation and finally provided me answer. It was commercial decision of KPN to block Tmobile network in Poland for roaming starting on 1st January 2019. I am a bit disappointed that it took 4 months and multiple contacts with customer service to find the answer.  Maybe suggestion from my side- would it be possible to publish list of roaming partners of KPN on your website? People could check which networks allow 4G roaming. Soon, 5G will be launched and hopefully soon after 5G roaming agreements will come. Thank you for help.

Hello, I have other problem regarding roaming in Poland. No matter which network I use (currently set to Orange due to best coverage), every time I use internet / mobile hotspot and receive an incoming call, I am being dropped off the network, unregistered. I have to enable and disable airplane mode to get registered again... It's frustrating, any idea what might be the cause? Galaxy S21 Ultra.