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I have mobile and thuis.


When do we get ipv6 at mobile? Come on guys,it’s 2020, ipv6 is now 30 years old.


When does e-sim for iPhone and Apple Watch is getting available?


When do I get gigabit instead of 500 Mbit at home?


There is a second Fibre connection close to my first one,which is unused. Could I get it for using dual wan with an own router?

Hi @FranzG. Welcome to our Forum here. I understand you have a couple of questions concerning our services. 

  • When do we get IPv6 at mobile?
    On the 30th of September we started with the implementation of IPv6 in mobile. Please note the implementation happens in batches.
  • When does e-sim for iPhone and Apple Watch is getting available?
    At the moment I do not have any updates when it comes to e-sim. If there's any news concerning e-sim, we will share it here on our Forum.
  • When do I get gigabit instead of 500 Mbit at home?
    We will introduce 1 Gigabit for our glass fibre network in March this year. 

It is not possible to use the seconde fibre connection for dual wan with your own router, since you have a Glass Optical Fibre (GoF) connection with 500/500Mb/s extra speed, which is the maximum speed. 

When do I get gigabit instead of 500 Mbit at home?

Have you ever measured how much bandwidth you really use?

If not, please do and you will see that you will change your subscription from 500Mbps to 200Mbps and maybe even to 100Mbps.


Come on guys,it’s 2020, ipv6 is now 30 years old.


Dank je wel voor je aanvulling, @wjb:slight_smile:

Ok then it’s 22 years… but 30 or’s old...and everyone else is already providing it.

KPN as the biggest provider should do it as well.


And only because you are not using it, you don’t know which services I would like to provide or what I’m doing with my bandwidth.


So it’s possible (already uplink at 700), affordable and  I want it.

As mentioned before, on the 30th of September we started with the implementation of IPv6 in mobile, so you can expect IPv6 to be activated for your KPN Mobiel anytime soon. Have your questions been answered? 

