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Hi all,


I have been trying to set up a subscription with KPN through Belsimpel but I have not been able to do so.

The first time, the monthly payment was too high for a non-Dutch national. (A lady in KPN informed me that maximum amount is 20.00 EUR per month, for the phone) 
So I cancelled that request and tried again, through Belsimpel, with a lower contract amount of 20.00 EUR. It was then rejected by KPN with no reason given.
I went to a KPN store and the lady assured me I had the necessary documents(passport and BRP registration) and necessary income to set up a contract, but unfortunately, her system was still seeing my original request, for the higher monthly payment amount. She could not change this in the system and could not put my request through. She didn’t know how I should proceed.

Has anyone had a problem like this before? I would like to able to set up a KPN account!


Thank you,


@PeadarC Welcome! 

Thank you for sharing your experiences. Well from my experience, I have seen this problem and it's luckily solvable.

The reason why your order has been cancelled is due to a new law explained on this page. I assume you can translate this page to an English version. Please let me know if I'm wrong.

What you should do is, call with our customer services (0800-0402) and explain the fact that the first order was cancelled due to BKR-registration. My colleagues will understand what's meant by this. They should (of course first check whether the previous order was cancelled properly) call the ‘back office’ and ask them to check the order/ your ID number and provide you (within 24 hours) with the possibility to make a new order. 
If this doesn’t work, or my colleagues can’t/don't know how to help you, please let me know.
I could also check this for u, but only when you update your profile. Please include your zip code, house number, e-mail address, mobile number. It would help me if you enter your ID number from your ID-card, drivers licence, or Passport in a random field (within your profile).
If you want me to solve this, I understand :innocent: . Herefore, I might call you (anonymouse) for verifications or just obtaining more information. 



@PeadarC I haven’t seen a response from you anymore. Can I assume you already found an answer to your problem? If not, please let me know!
