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Hi, I’ve made an order for Mobile+Sim. Before making any payment, I changed my mind. Now the order is remaining unpaid though I can’t remove/cancel it. There are no links in the sent email nor sms.

Could you please help me with cancelling my order?


Best regards,


Have you checked this page?

Unfortunately it is in Dutch.

That link leads me toward the phone number 0800 0402 which I didn’t find convenient. But! I called this one 073-3036490, fixed in 10 minutes. :)

I wonder if your order has now been cancelled or just the delivery of your phone as that telephone number you mention is not from KPN but from OPD which is just the courier that delivers the phone at your home location.


On the page I gave you there is a link to cancel your order online

Please check if your order has been cancelled or just cancel the order through that page!

Hi @Sohrabnt, welcome to our forum! I'm sorry to hear that you had your doubts about the new contract, but if you changed your mind, it's best to cancel the contract. 

I see that you already called with customerservice, and my colleague helped you with the cancellation. Though, I think it's a good idea to make sure that the contract was cancelled, as wjb mentions as well. Did you receive a confirmation via e-mail? If not, I'd advise you to follow the link that he gave you in his last post.

Will you let us know if everything worked out and if you've got any questions?

Hi Alexa,


Thanks for your follow up. I used the link above “On the page, I gave you there is a link to cancel your order online. “

It worked and I got an email with the topic of “Gegevens online annuleren KPN” including the list of data I’d filled in and mentioning it’s canceled.






@Sohrabnt Hi Sohrab, you're welcome :slight_smile: I'm glad to hear that everything worked out well! You know where to find me if I can help you with anything.