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Iam suddenly not recieving SMS   message from the United Kingdom..

Work fine in NL

I have ask some people in the UK to sms other peoplein NL   and they are not recieving SMS messages ..


Is there a problem with KPN to other Networks Gateways ??

Urgent !!



Hi @MrNigel, welcome on our forum. 

So if I inderstand correctly nobody from the UK can send and deliver sms messages to your KPN number? Are they using the correct number with the Dutch +31 prefix? For exaample +31612345678.

Hi ..    Yes I done all the obvious checks i.e +31     


(Im an ex Telco Engineer) 


I got throught to your KPN  Tech guys.  (spoke to them this morning).    


Its only SMS coming from 02  Network in the UK that are not reaching me     but I can send to them OK.


SMS  message   from other UK Networks (Vodafone, EE)  are working fine.


The problem has ony started since last month …


Your Tech guys confirmed its a problem in O2   as they are not seeing the messages inbound  ..They looks at the logs , events , etc 


Anyway it seems  that I have to get someone (my friend) in UK to raise a problem ticket with 02  as I do not hve account with them..  

