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Hi all 

I’m wondering if there is any way to report or block spammers: i’m getting 3-5 calls every days from different numbers starting from +44 / +31 trying to do some fraud. 

Is there anyway I could stop it from happening? It is fairly annoying. I blocked phone calls from unknown numbers, but sometimes I want to get a phone calls from unknown numbers (for instance from delivery or services). 


Does KPN planning to somehow fight those spammers? 


Regards, Denis.



Nee, je kunt ze niet allemaal blokkeren. Wel uiteraard de nummers die jou gebeld hebben. Het probleem houdt meestal vanzelf wel op, zolang je maar niet opneemt en niet terugbelt. KPN kan er verder ook niets aan doen. 

Wordt het te erg? De oplossing: 


No, you cannot block them all. Of course the numbers that called you. The problem usually goes away on its own, as long as you don't answer and don't call back. KPN can also do nothing about it.

Is it getting too bad? The solution:



Hello @Denis.P, unfortunately it's not possible to block all the spammers at once. The only thing you can do, is block those numbers in your cell phone. :confused: