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More than a week ago I placed an order to renew my subscription and ordered a new phone. I was supposed to receive it the next day, however, my order status is still "checking". I contacted KPN on Twitter and also by phone, but I was simply told to wait.

My question is, does this usually happen? Why state that the phone would be delivered the next day if after a week my order is still not checked?

Is there a different way to get through to KPN to try and check, maybe there is something wrong with my order.

Thank you in advance for the help!

Looking at past posts on this topic, I am now pretty confident that there is something wrong with my order (perhaps it was forgotten in some back-log or not seen). So I am hoping that someone from KPN can check this for me and hopefully process the order. @Shyrin_, I am tagging you here because I see that you helped someone in the past who had the exact same issue, so I’m hoping you can help me as well. Thank you in advance!

Hi @VAC, welcome to our forum!
The quickest way to get into contact with us about this is by phone or twitter as you mentioned. 
Has the situation changed or are you still waiting for your order?
We can check the status of your order just like them but won't be able to help you any better and I think we'll have the same answer.

If the order has to be cancelled or we have to place it again you'll need to do this by phone though.

​Hi @Thomas,

Thank you for your reply. As I said, I did call but they couldn’t tell me more than what I already knew. 

I am still waiting for my order and the order status is the same when I check. Is there no way to contact someone responsible for the order or to check if the order went through or if it was forgotten about, or something like that (some back office people perhaps)? 

Because otherwise I’m simply stuck with an order that is not being processed. I suppose I could cancel it, but it seems strange that that is the only option. 

I'm afraid not, I have the same tools as our webcare colleagues and the ones on the phone.
​​​​​From what you're describing it is something the backoffice should look into, they should contact you about this