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I had a subscription for a sim card with telfort, this was moved over to KPN. My phone has now been stolen and I need to block my sim and order a new one, however the only way to do this with KPN is to 'link my product' which required me to receive a verification code sent to my telfort phone number, obviously this will not work as I do not have my phone. I also cannot call the helpline and the online chat is closed.

Hello @Georgia17,

I'm sorry to read that your phone is stolen. Can you please fill in your profile (private) with the following information: postal code, house number, 06-number, simcard number, the name + date of birth of the contract holder and the last 3 digits of your IBAN? If you let me know here when you filled in your profile, I will take a look for you!

Hi Jose, thank you for your reply. I have filled in the profile however there was no space to fill in my sim card number or IBAN.




No problem, @Georgia17!  I blocked your sim card, so nobody can use your subscription anymore. :relaxed:

I haven't sent a new sim card, because I see you have a new address and unfortunately I can't change your address. That's only possible via phone (0800 0402), chat or in one of our stores.

You can start a chat via our service page. If you click on ‘Mobiel’ and scroll down a little bit after that you can click on ‘Ik heb een andere vraag of wil graag contact’. If your scroll down on this page you can start a chat.

Hi Jose, great thank you for your help. I will try the online chat. ThanksÂ