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Hi , I am interested in taking over a friend of mines current contract with KPN, there are 4/5 months left. Firstly, is this possible ? Secondly, if so and I do take it over, what are the options for extending the contract when it comes up for renewal ? Can I extend for 6 months ?

*Admin: topic verplaatst naar juiste board

Yes, you can take over a contract:

Extending a contract is not necessary. After the initial term (1 of 2 years) the contract will automatically change to an indefinete one that can be ended at any time with 1 month notice.
Hello @PBotha As Ward already clarified, you can take the contract. You'll find all the information you need by clicking the link he posted. You can renew the contract 4 months before the contract is ended. Your new contract will start when the whole term of previous contract is over. You can't have a contract for 6 months, though. Perhaps the suggestion of not renewing the contract,but keeping it like it is, is a good advice.
