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im Irina, refugee from Ukraine. Since March 2022 I’m using pre-paid card from KPN for free. Currently this possibility is over and I would like to  transfer this number and card to sun and to get unlimited subscription. But unfortunately I could not do it because I don’t have ID or Dutch passport. In store nobody could help me. Please could anyone advise what exactly Dutch permit I need to provide to get unlimited subscription. Thank you so much in advance

Hi @Irina Benzia, welcome to the Forum! 

I'm not fully clear on whether you want to turn the KPN Prepaid into a KPN subscription. Or if you want to get a subscription with another provider and keep the number from your KPN Prepaid. Both are possible.


For the second case, you would need to ask the other provider what their requirements are. 


For us, to get a subscription, you would need one of the following

  • EU passport given out here in the Netherlands
  • EU passport given out in another EU country
  • Dutch driver's license
  • Dutch ID
  • Residency permit
  • Diplomatic passport
  • Residency permit W

In addition to this, persons without a Dutch ID need a BRP from the county hall.

In our stores you can get a contract using any of these forms of ID. Online or by phone you can only get a contract with a Dutch ID or driver's license or an EU passport given out in the Netherlands.  This has to do with the technical limitations of our systems.

Hi Erik.
Thank you so much for your explanation. To make things clear: as a final result I want to have unlimited subscription as normally have all people here with Dutch permit and leave my current  number. 

I have Ukrainian passport with valid sticker from IND. Can I consider it as Dutch permit? And what do you mean in addition necessary also BRP? Does it mean Ukrainian passport with sticker + BRP =  it will work well to get contract?

if it will, could you advise how I can get BRP? Is it something from Gemeente regarding my registration here as a proof? 
PS: also I’m having contract with Budget Energy (they cooperate with KPN). Is it make sense and gives some benefits to get subscription? 

Looking forward to your response



The BRP stands for Basisregistratie Personen and it is the master database of all persons registered in the Netherlands. You can get an Afschrift Basisregistratie Personen at the Gemeente. Important: this one needs to show that you live here, so it needs the address you are registered on.


Your passport is not sufficiënt as Ukraine is not an EU-country. And as such it does not fall under this: EU passport given out in another EU country

You need to show your Verblijfsdocument. 


If you're doing internet through Budget, it is probably wiser to also get your mobile contract with them. That will give you combination benefits. Budget uses our network, but is an independent provider.

If you choose to go to Budget for a mobile subscription, you can indicate you want to keep your current KPN number. They can then transfer it over to them.


I don't know what the paperwork requirements are for Budget, but I assume it will be the same, or similar.