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Good morning everyone,

I am writing to request some help with a problem I am facing.

When trying to use my credit card to make online payments very often the bank sends verification SMS with one time codes to let you complete the transaction.

For some reason, since I moved to the Netherlands and received a Dutch number from KPN this feature does not work anymore.

Interestingly enough, when I am roaming in Europe with the same number, it works. When I am in the UK or Germany and still use the same Dutch number but on the network of the local providers these verification SMSs come through. So my guess is that it is a local KPN filter.

I 've talked to the bank IT support (it happens with more than one banks I bank with abroad) and all tell me it is a provider issue - on the receiving end.

I have talked in the past to customer service of KPN and they do not recognize the issue - according to them there is no filter applied.

Any experience on how to get it fixed?

Many thanks,

Hi Konstantinos, welcome to the forum! We don't, in general, block anything. I have, however, heard this problem before. In that case the verification texts from a Spanish bank (Sabadell) did not come through. The bank reported that their texts were sent from a shorter phone number (6 digits as opposed to 9) and that this could sometimes cause issues on the receiving end. But, as I said, we don't generally block things. In that case, the problem was resolved by the bank changing something on their end.

So, for your problem, there could be three points where it goes wrong: the bank, the foreign phone provider that sends the text, or us. Past experiences lead me to either bank or foreign provider. You've had contact with the bank. Have they been in contact with their phone provider?

For reference, the earlier topic:
Hi Erik, thank you very much for your quick response! The issue occurs with both of my credit cards which are from two different banks. Their IT departments tell me that on their end the messages are sent.

There are some facts that point me to believe it’s the KPN network. The main one is that when I am using the same phone and phone number (ie the KPN one) abroad (ie outside the Netherlands) for my purchases on line then the verification messages do come through. No problem there. The only thing that changes in this case is instead of being on the KPN network I am on the roaming network (eg Vodafone in the UK, for example).

if there was a problem with the banks or the service provider in the country of the banks those SMSs would not have arrived.

Again, many thanks for your help!
Thanks for the additional info, Konstantinos. Would you, please, fill in your forum profile with postal code (postcode), house number (huisnummer) and your Dutch phone number (Klantnummer (mobiel)). I'm going to check with the technical department if they can see anything weird. I also need to know two or three moments (date and if possible roughly what time) were you should have received a verification text but didn't.
Hey Konstantinos, you haven't replied yet. Has the problem resolved itself? I see you filled in your forum profile, thanks for that! However, I also need a few moments where you should have received a text but didn't (and from whom you should have received it).