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I hereby ask what has happened to the amount I have paid in excess since July 2023. Knowing that the contract states the amount of €25.01, I have been paying €35.99 every month until December. The situation was only resolved in January 2024, I had to go to the store several times to resolve the situation. The value is more than €10.98. We are talking about 6 months paying this extra amount, which in total amounts to €65.88.
I am attaching the contract with the actual values.
I would like to know how this situation will be resolved.
I look forward to responding as soon as possible
Jorge Mendonça

Hi @Jorge Mendonca and welcome to our KPN Community! 

If a refund still needs to take place, then you can contact us by phone on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
My colleague will then be able to look into the documentation and help you! 

Hopefully it will then be resolved soon. 🙂