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Good morning,

I’d like to know the procedure to withdraw from KPN’s contract. I don’t have the line and I spent three months to wait several technical problems form KPN which are not fixed yet. During this period I pay monthly the KPN’s invoice without any service. 

I tried to speak with someone form KPN but apparently none speaks English.


I was several times in the KPN’s store in Heerlen but none couldn't help me. The only answer from them was that I had to call to the KPN’s call center. This is ridiculous because when I tried to do that none spoke English.  

I’d like to know how can I withdraw from the KNP’s contract. Is someone able to help me?


My email: *********


@umberto fillarini 

First, this is an open forum so please be aware of sharing personal information. You can add this in your profile which is only visible for KPN employees.


Second and to address your concerns: be aware that KPN makes a lot of mistakes and record and document every conversation with them so you have proof in the case that they want to blame you for something. Do everything in writing and document every step you take.

Also, be aware that some moderators here are just trying to make promotion or look good for their boss. So dont trust all of them


Good luck!!

Hey @umberto fillarini. Thanks for reaching out to us. Welcome on the KPN Comunity. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with your internet connection. I would like to help. Please supplement your forum profile with your details, so we can take a look at the situation. 

Nietblij, you're not contributing any thing at the problem of the topic starter. We are here to help. If you're facing any problem, let us know at your own topic. My colleguea will handel it. Thanks in advance! 

@nadia. I think I was sooner than you to point out that the customer needs to be aware of the fact this is an open forum. Thats why I said he should be careful to mention personal details. So you’re welcome for that.


As his comment - and my experience with KPN recently - clearly shows not everyone is here to help. I’m just trying to help him because we all (as customers) need our own proof, records and documentation to protect ourselves from mistakes and pressure from big companies.

@Nietblij Je mag een andere klant (en meelezers)  gerust wijzen op het goed bijhouden van zijn communicatie/administratie met ons als provider. Dat zie ik als een nuttige bijdrage waar we allemaal iets aan hebben. Ik word minder blij van de manier waarop je mij en mijn collega's zwart maakt . Ik wil je dus ook vragen om dat soort comments achterwege te laten. Mocht je actie van onze kant willen wil ik je vragen om in jouw eigen topic te reageren en de aanbevolen stappen te doorlopen.

@Erwin_ In English please...

Hi @umberto fillarini, I see that you have not responded. If there is anything we can do, please let us know!
