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Hello, I am having some issues with the below configuration:

FTTH Box <==WAN==> OpenWrt Router <==LAN4==WAN==> KPN Box 14

To put it simply, I am connecting my own router and the KPN Box with LAN port 4 on the OpenWrt Router which goes into the WAN port of KPN Box 14.

The problem is that KPN Box doesn’t get an IP, except for a private-range IPv6 that the OpenWrt gives. Upon further investigation, I found that I can’t change WAN configuration on the KPN Box (it’s set to PPP) and this makes it impossible to connect this way unless somehow I run my own PPP server.

Is there a solution to this? The reason I’m asking is because I’d like to use the extenders, but as far as I know they are only available when using KPN Box itself, so this is why I’d like to use it as a secondary router and the WAN connection to FTTH should be handled by my OpenWrt router instead.

Since the WAN configuration on the KPN Box is permanently set to PPP, can I use any of the other LAN ports to get a WAN connection without the PPP link and just use DHCP?

P.S.: KPN Box 14 Firmware V14.C.24.04.06

You can't use the V12 or V14 as a secondary router as the V12/V14 will always use pppoe to connect to the network.

I run a pppoe server on my EdgeRouter and then it is possible but it is more or less useless to configure it like that.


You can also use the "extenders" without using your V14.

How can I use the Super WiFi 2 without the v14? This is exactly what I am trying to do (connect the Super WiFi 2 to my own router).

So far I have re-connected the v14 and configured it similar to my own router’s Wi-Fi. Steps taken so far with the Super WiFi 2:

  • Connect 1 of the Super WiFi 2 via Ethernet cable to v14;
  • Connect Super WiFi 2 to the power grid;
  • Wait 30m (light is solid green);
  • Take the same Super WiFi 2 out and plug it someplace else in the house (without Ethernet cable). Result is solid red light instead;
  • Reset Super WiFi 2 and leave it connected only to power (no Ethernet cable). Light flashes green, AP is visible but cannot connect with the provided password, so it’s unusable;

I couldn’t make 1 extender work with v14, so I didn’t think they actually work with my own router.

Below is my understanding:

  • Super WiFi 2 copies the Wi-Fi config of the v14 so this is why they need to be connected to the v14 via Ethernet in the beginning;
  • Once the Wi-Fi config is copied, I can simply take them and place them anywhere in the house because powering them on will automatically link them to the v14 via Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi Mesh or Wi-Fi Repeater or whatever it’s called, it’s the same thing for me, basically the Super WiFi 2 will connect to v14 via Wi-Fi and my client devices connect to the Super WiFi 2 to get internet);

Is there something I am missing or doing wrong? I simply wish to use the extenders with my own router and want to see how I can do the connection from a clean slate (I reset the Super WiFi 2). If I try to connect from my laptop to the Super WiFi 2 with the details from the back it won’t connect even if I reset to factory settings.

SW2 does  not need any v14 or other router from KPN. They can work independently behind any router as long as minimal one SW2 is connected via ethernet cable.

They work together in a master slave system. When a v14 was active in the network all SW2 automatically become slave and copy info from the v14. 

When v14 is removed the SW2 are renegotiating a new master SW2. but they all still have pairing information from the v14 stored.

So avoid this it is best to start with a clean slate by removing ethernet cables and individually reset the SW2 (keep reset pressed until 5 red flashes) and wait they turn up with purple led (factory default state). Repeat this for the others.


Now connect first one on ethernet to generic  router. This one will assume master role. Then connect the others via ether. Within about a minute after boot up they will synchronize . This state can be checked for every paired extender in the master unit. 

All SW2 with with local multicastDNS service. The master unit can be easily located via browser and search for instellen.local which is the exposing mdns name the unit with master role will respond on.

The individual slave device can all be independently reached but are in a read only state and only allow to see the config state but not change it.

The devices with still equipped with a WPS button could also utilize the pairing via WPS methode secondary to the sync via cable.

Al the above story applies for the SW2 with firmware SW2.C.24.03.00
