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Can somebody explain the flashing light sending a code? My wifi light is not on-off-on-off  but more like this:

On (for couple of seconds) off/  on/off/ on/off/ on/off/ on/off/  on(for couple of seconds) signaling #4.

I noted this and this 'signal’can go from 2 up to 20 flashes. So a patern might look like this:

2 (flashes), 2, 4,4,4,4,18,16,4,2,4,6,20 etc.

During these flashes I notice my ICS-2000 (klikaanklikuit internet control station) flashes red once every couple of minutes, showing it has lost internet connection temporarily.  The wifi turned bad a couple of weeks ago after a update but this signalling is there since I got this model modem.

Admin: eigen topic aangemaakt

Hello @threeof4 


It depends on the modem type what the light does.

For example on a Box 12 it's sending data when it blinks.

Mmm i don’t think its that. It is very steady pace the light blinks. Like almost a second for pauze and almost a second ‘on’. For data i would think it would be more like ethernet light on the back of the modem. 

Hi @threeof4, as far as I know, there is no secret message or anything in the pattern. It's just a blinking light! If the wifi isn't working as it should, you might want to use our Wifi Manager.