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I’ve been having a lot of issues lately with home internet in my macbook to be specific.

Connection drops every 5-8 min, and takes a while to reconnect again.

It seems to be a DNS related issue that can’t be solved

Is there any solution for this soon? Its getting very annoying, and I can’t work at home with this issue.


Home setup

  • Main v12 box router - (no wifi enabled)
  • Asus RT-AC86U access point - ground floor - backed with ethernet cable
  • Asus RT-AX55 access point - 2nd floor - backed with  ethernet cable
  • Asus RC-AC68U access point - 1st floor - backed with ethernet cable

Before getting suggestions, these are the things I already tried.

  • Disabling ipv6 on v12 and adding a diffrent DNS (google, open dns, cloudflare)
  • There are issues with cloudflare atm, so I disabled that
  • Resetting v12
  • Switching channels to avoid collisions with other signals
  • Switch access point to router mode and connect the others as access points (Seems like this one is the only solution for now, but range is limited because its in the closet room)
  • Working in a completely different place with another connection, to point out that the laptop is not the issue. Works perfectly outside my house network

Hope there is a solution for this ASAP as i already wasted a lot of time trying to fix this, unless the issue is with the v12 router itself, but i really doubt it.

I don’t use v12 wifi, because the speed is not the best, so if it supported bridge mode it would solve this issue. I don’t have/use tv, so it shouldnt be an issue at all.


Let me know for any good alternative


Hi @Abelardo, welcome back! Sorry to hear you've been having issues. If it's just the one device having issues, my first thought would be something in the MacBook settings. Or the way the MacBook specifically interacts with the rest of your network. Are you getting any particular error messages when the connection drops?


You can also, if you want, replace the Box 12 with a router of your own choosing. More information on that on our website at (in Dutch).



I’m having the exact same issues on my Macbook. But also only when i’m @home working. The moment i use another connection don’t have any issues anymore.. so I don’t see how this could be a macbook issue?

Best regards,




Hoi @maartenlut, welkom! Kun je wat meer vertellen over wat jij allemaal al geprobeerd/getest hebt? Plus een overzicht van hoe je thuisnetwerk in elkaar zit? Dan beginnen we daar met troubleshooten en kunnen we zo stap voor stap van jouw kant naar onze kant werken.

Hey @Erik_ ,

Ik heb diverse zaken geprobeerd, volledige reset van de box (factory default) andere DNS servers gebruiken dan de standaard van KPN. Eerst dacht ik nog dat het wellicht met mijn WIFI te maken had (ubiquiti 2x AC PRO) (Wifi op de BOX 12 is uitgeschakeld). Deze ook geupgrade/gereset zonder resultaat. Daarom heb ik nu een edgerouterX geconfigureerd en de BOX 12 er tussen uitgehaald en nu werkt het weer als een zonnetje. 

Dus mijn conclusie is wel dat er wellicht iets in de MAC update zit en het KPN BOX 12 modem wat elkaar in de wegzit.

Maar had geen tijd om nog verder te troubleshooten aangezien ik ook veel vanuit huis werk ;-)


Kan me voorstellen dat je er dan ook niet te veel tijd aan wilt besteden qua troubleshooten, @maartenlut. Lijkt inderdaad een wisselwerking tussen de beide apparaten. Kun je nog aangeven welke iOS versie je op de Mac hebt? En, weet je toevallig welke firmwareversie je op de Box 12 hebt? Als je dat niet zo weet, weet je dan de datum waarop je hem gereset hebt? Dan kan ik daaruit de firmwareversie wel afleiden. Want dan ga ik dit eens voorleggen aan de modemcollega's.

Well I finally ditch the box 12 and just have my own router directly, though it could have been a combinations of things.

My connection works better now, but still have some connection issues from time to time, so I kept looking into issues within my laptop.

It ended up that my connection was also affected by an outdated app “CiscoAnyConnect” that was causing dns issues because of some bad connection requests.

Anyways, now the issue seems to be gone

So first I will suggest the following

Look for outdated apps within your mac, if there are some like “CiscoAnyConnect” remove them, if your problem persists, then ditch kpns modem and put your own


Hope this helps