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My connection started yesterday and I’ve been trying to connect the modem for the past hour. The internet light continues to flash and there is no connection. I have tried resetting and it still does not work. Can you please confirm that my account has been connected and check to see if anything is wrong? Thank you!

Welcome to our forum @chelsea_d! The connection is ready for installation. Could you confirm that the cable coming from your ISRA is going to the grey connector on the Experia Box? It should say “DSL”. 

Secondly have you used the round cable, as opposed to the flat cable? Also where in the house is the ISRA found and could there be another place?

Lastly do you know if there had been services on the same ISRA by the previous owner of the house? 

Let me know here and we will see what we can do to fix the connection! 🙂

Hi @Bram_ and thanks for your reply. I had the black cable connected but switched it now to the grey cable. The previous owner may have used another service provider. I am not sure.

I don’t know whether I have connected it into the correct connection point. I have attached photos of my two options. When going through the installation help, it looked like the only option I had was the “wall socket” so I selected the “4 pin socket” option and have tried using both the black and grey cables once the plug was placed in the socket. Is this wrong?


@chelsea_d you've done everything by the book. I'm going to plan an engineer to come round and install the modem. I would like to write down a mobile number for the engineer to call, but this can only be a Dutch mobile number. Could you add a Dutch mobile number to your profile? Then I can send the engineer as soon as possible.

Also can I plan the engineer in the first possible moment? Or are there moments when this would not be convenient?

@Bram_ I do not have a working Dutch mobile number yet. I received my KPN SIM card but it still has to be activated which I am waiting on. Is this something you can do? If not, I’m afraid I don’t have a Dutch mobile number to provide. I am available as soon as possible for the engineer as I really need to have this connection working. Thank you.

@chelsea_d Is there any way you have a friend or relative who can be reached and can also reach you around the time of the engineer? If not I will let our engineer know there is no number. But that does make it extra important you also let us know if there is anything that could be of importance. Like if the house is hard to find with GPS. Or if the doorbell is hard to hear. 🙂

@Bram_ That would be much appreciated if you can let the engineer know there is no number. The house is very easy to find. At the door, there are two buttons to ring and the one for my apartment is the button on the bottom. If you let me know when the engineer will be sent, I will make sure to listen for their arrival.

@chelsea_d I've planned an engineer for next tuesday. I've sent you the details in a private message. 🙂

@Bram_ In case I do need to be contacted tomorrow, I have updated my profile with my Dutch mobile number.