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I’m looking for some help understanding a log entry on my router. 

Yesterday the device with the Mac address below connected and disconnected a few times during the morning. I, however, don’t recognise the mac address, or understand what it was connecting to? 

Device <AC:44:F2:38:07:BE> was disconnected on SSID (Device/WiFi/SSIDs/SSIDsBH_2])

Is there any way to determine what this was? 

Hello @Aliaksandra, welcome! This could be anything. Was the device successful in connecting to your wifi connection or was it merely an attempt to connect to your wifi?

Might you have an Apple Watch? When I google the MAC address, it seems to be a MAC address related to Apple Watches. If it was just an attempt, it might have been someone wearing an Apple Watch walking by your house.

Or do you perhaps have SuperWifi or Experia Wifi? The hBH_2] is often used to indicate a connection between the Experia Box and the SuperWifi and/or Experia Wifi.


Edit: doesn't seem to be related to Apple Watches:

When I google the MAC address, it seems to be a MAC address related to Apple Watches.

Why do you think the MAC address is related to Apple watches?

When I check the MAC address on I get the result below.



When I google the MAC address, it seems to be a MAC address related to Apple Watches.

Why do you think the MAC address is related to Apple watches?

When I check the MAC address on I get the result below.


@wjb : dat was mijn suggestie. Maar ik kende die tool die jij linkt niet.  Die is handig. Dank daarvoor. 

@Denise_ Thanks very much Denise. 
That device was able to connect for a while, and then disconnected. 
And I don’t have either SuperWifi or Experia Wifi… So this still remains a mystery.