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We are using Box 12 Modem and seeing problems everyday.

Modem keeps rebooting quite often (every 15 min) and looses internet connection.

I tried to solve on KPN homepage and reset online. But it did not solve the problem at all.

Can you help to solve this problem?



Hi @Takuya, welcome to our forum. If the modem reboots every 15 minutes it is hard to do anything. What exactly happens at that time, does the modem reboots itself or does it loose the connection and do you have to reboot it to restore the connection?

Your details are not on your profile, so I can't check the connection myself. You can fill that out and tell me you've done so.

It's also possible to call us about this (0800-0402), that way a colleague can check the connection directly.

Thank you for your reply. I added my private information so that you can know my details.

Modem reboot by itself and lost internet connection, or sometime “Internet” and “wifi” green lamp turn off. This happens at least 20 times. I think it happens every 30 mins at least. 

It is very hard to watch Movies, Youtube and even internet news!

Thank you @Takuya. I’ve checked the connection and I see a bunch of disconnects every day. Can you tell me more about how the Box 12 is connected to the main socket? Is that a direct connection, how long is the cable, are there any other deveices in between?

Have you tried resetting the Box 12?

Hi Jasper, Thank you for checking. Yes, lots of disconnects all day. I tried to reset the Box 12 several times but it did not work. The Box 12 is connected to the main socket with a cable provided with the Modem. There are NO other devices in between. Thank you for your help!  

I can see the disconnects, but I can't see a cause for them, that makes it tricky. Have you tried to replace the cable that is between the socket and the modem? 

If that doesn't help, it might be best to call our customer service (0800-0402, free of charge) at the moment you experience the disconnect. That way the connection can be checked at the time of the issue, that'll provide more information than looking at it in the past, as I am doing. That will make it easier to determine the next step, the colleague you're on the phone with can initiate that step immediately.

Hello Jasper,

I still have problem on internet connection. Today your service came to their 2nd visit. He said it was fixed already but it is NOT solved yet at all. He put Super Wifi2 in my house, which cost 50 Euro but did not solve the problem. We think there is a problem with Modem and we want you to replace it with new one. Internet is disconnecting all the time. We do not want to pay additional payment as well as monthly payment as we can not enjoy internet at all. Thank you for your help.

Welcome back to the forum @Takuya, what exactly is the problem at this point? In the note from the engineer it says he placed the SuperWifi's and that solved it at that point, but it hasn't? Is the Wifi disconneting ot something else? I see the Box 12 has had a few disconnects, those seem to originate from inside. Do you restart the modem often?

I need more information, with the current information it is not clear if a new modem will help. It might have the exact same issue and that would be a shame. If it is easier to explain in words you can also call us again.

Hi Jasper,

The work engineer made yesterday did not help to solve the problem. We did see disconnection, disappearing WiFi. Super Wifi did not help at all. I did not restart the modem. When playing online video game, it is still disconnected many times. The reason why there is a problem with Box 12 is that I used Experia Box v10 (I brought this from my office ) instead of our Box 12. Then we did not see any problem on internet. It was very smooth and no disconnection seen.

Thank you for your help.


That didn't really answer my question, is it the Wifi that disconnects or everything? Are there devices connected with a cable? What happens with those when your Wifi devices lose connection? I need more information like I said.