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Apologies but there is no chance I could do this in dutch and make it coherent.


I have a KPN Box 12 on fibreglass  connection. I did a manual reset just after having the main electricity off to do some work in the house.

After having the reset now only 2 out of lights illuminate on the black box for the WAN connection and the "ethernet" light is continuously flashing with no Internet connection.

I've logged in to the router and when I click on the Internet button and I see the ipv4 menu but there is no password in. 

I've reset everything, followed the installation instructions again but nothing seems to work.

Any ideas?



Hi @Lord Brown! That's unfortunate and I will gladly assist you. It can take a couple of minutes for the Fiberglass box to connect to the network again. Which lights are currently active on the KPN V12 itself? Otherwise I would advise you to turn off both the Fiberglass box and the V12. After five minutes you restart the Fiberglass Box, wait a couple of minutes and than power on the KPN Box 12.  

Hi @Remco_ 

Thanks for the advise and the prompt reply!

I tried that and unfortunately it didn't work.

There are 2 LEDs illuminated on the Fiberglass box, power and connection in green, the third is called alarm for some reason and we restarted alarm lights up in red for a short time and them switches off.

I went into the router and its as it the router can't see the WAN port, is it possible the reset could have switched this off?




A simple restart shouldn't disconnect the WAN connection entirely. Is the cable between fiberglass box and the WAN port on the KPN Box V12 still firmly in place?

Yes, the WAN cable is clicked into place on both ends.

Then I guess it suggests that the cable has failed 

Are you able to replace that cable to rule out if it's the cause of the outage? If this does not manage to resolve the issue you can always contact us free of charge on 0800-0402 for direct assiststance. If necessary, my colleagues can also plan a visit from a mechanic to resolve this issue.     

I've ordered a new cable already and it will arrive today.

I've already made an appointment for technician to visit tomorrow but will try the tonight.

Thanks for your support 🙂

Much appreciated 

Great! I hope it will be resolved soon. Don't hesitate to post another message if you need further assistance!