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hey i have question about discconecting wifi always in same time ? 

i have old router model from 2013r it is KPN Experia Box ZXV10 H220N

is possible to buy own router and change data from Experia box to my router ? 

or is possible to change to newest experia box ? 


Hi @Kizuhara , that’s an old modem indeed. It's also known as the Experia Box v7.
If you call KPN customer service this modem will be replaced, probably with the KPN Box 12 - their newest model.

You can call them on 0800-0402 (toll-free), monday to friday 08.00 until 20.00, saturday until 17.00. Closed on sundays and holidays. Open 24/7 in case of problems.

Hi @Kizuhara , did you succeed in replacing the old H220N with a new modem by calling KPN?

I didn't call yet 

Is possibile to write email to them about that ?

Hi @Kizuhara , email is not available to reach KPN customer service. However, you can use the Servicetool modemcheck on the KPN website, which should help you to get a new modem.

Recently KPN has started this program to replace older types of modems.


Hi @Kizuhara , email is not available to reach KPN customer service. However, you can use the Servicetool modemcheck on the KPN website, which should help you to get a new modem.

Recently KPN has started this program to replace older types of modems.


i tried by Website but i can’t because i don’t have any data which they require for change 

and also i called to them they said “ we’ll solve this “ but still  i have the same problem