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I connected the KPN box 12b to my wired uplink internet network in INDIA. Connected a network cable from KPN WAN to my uplink internet and of course as expected the internet is not coming and same displayed in KPN GUI. Please tell me what is the procedure to get internet working  ??

Hoi @pioneerkartik 

Welcome to the KPN forum.

The KPN Modem Box 12 works exclusively on KPN's fiber optic network or DSL network in the Netherlands.
That is not what the Box 12 is intended for, for use abroad, such as in India.

You can only register the KPN Modem Box 12 on KPN's fiber optic or DSL network if you have also taken out an internet subscription with KPN.

By the way, are you a KPN customer?
And why are you taking the KPN Box 12 to India?
You have the KPN Box 12 on loan (remains the property of KPN), for use within the Dutch borders at a permanent residential address.

I would never guess that someone would move the box12 to India. Why would you think for a second that something like that works? The box12 is property of KPN and is for subscribers of KPN. 
