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Hello, Yesterday I chose the Internet offer for my home.  Today I received the modem, but the connection in my apartment is different than the cable that came with the modem.  What can I do in such a situation?

can you place some photo's  ? 


I bought a house that only had this connection. I didn't know about it before

This is cable ( most time's ZIggo ) this is not what KPN is using. 

And it does not look like this is a Ziggo AOP ( Connecion they have made) so there problely has to be a Ziggo AOP somewhere else in your home.

and KPN only sends you a modem whem in there system is stated that you have a connection. 

Are you sure this is the only one ? 

p.s. what is at the and of that cable ? 



I checked every room, the counter cabinet and found nothing else.  So if it wasn't possible to connect my KPN Internet, I wouldn't be able to conclude a contract and receive a modem?


is your home simular as your nabours, then mabee ask them where they have there connection ? 

it's not verry clear to me but i think its and F conector at the and ( witch is used for cable modem's )  so then before it was used for internet ( and not for TV)  

if you can not find an other connecion and your nabours can not help you  you could ask for a "monteur" but if there is no connection it can take a verry long time behore you have internet. i would advise you to check ziggo site if they say they can delilver ad your adres

you have 14 days to cancel your KPN internet 

OK, thank you for help ;)

You need to go to the house’s main fuse box. In that box there is a NT/FTU like described in the manual. Find the fuse box (meterkast in Dutch) by asking neighbors.
