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The wifi on the modem suddenly stopped today, so I restarted the modem. After the restart, the wifi is off (the internet light is on and I can use a wife connection) and wouldn’t come back on.

After performing the self-diagnosis and several restarts, it still didn’t work. I went to my local KPN store to ask for help, and the staff suggested resetting the modem. It worked initially, but the modem has been restarting itself every now and then ever since.

I suspect there might be something wrong with the modem. But I’ve not been able to get anyone on the phone to help me out. The automated helpline just tells me to perform the self diagnostics on the website and hangs up aftewards. And the KPN store staff said I have to first get the OK from customer support on the phone before I can take my modem into the store to get a replacement. But even he doesn’t know how I can get a hold of someone on the phone…

Does anyone know what’s the best thing to do here?