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Firstly, apologies for posting in English. If it is not ok let me know and I will use Google translator.
I have KPN fiber and up until now I have been using Fritzbox with no issues. I have to be away from home for a few months and I switch back to KPN Box 12 and SuperWifi 2 (wired) so my girlfriend could get KPN support in case of any malfunction.
KPN Box 12
Hardware Version 3.0
Software Version SGEJ1000060E
SuperWifi 2
I found out that Guest network switch to Home network when connecting to the SuperWifi 2. This is an important security issue. This is a known issue that it get fixed on the new firmware V12.C.23.XX.XX.
There are also devices connected to the Superwifi 2 via Wifi that shows like connected over ethernet on the GUI map.
There is no way to force the update and I have read about it, but I am not sure if I will get it soon because first connection was with only the Box12 but one day after I installed the Superwifi 2.
I would really appreciate it if KPN could send the update for me asap, so I can leave everything configured for my girlfriend who really needed it for working and has not networking knowledge. Very very please KPN send the update to me aub!!
Also found that once you change the DNS provider, you no longer have access to the Box 12 web GUI. I assume this is because the DNS “server” on the Box 12 only provide DNS configuration via DHCP to the devices, but it does not function as a DNS server for the LAN which then forward the traffic.
The workaround for this is just manually change the DNS settings in your PC/Device to to access the GUI and then switch the configuration back to “automatically” to use again the DNS provide that you have configured on your Box 12.
After all above described, I would like to share my thoughts. We all know that ISP routers are very basic with a very small room to configuration, but I think KPN should step up specially about security on the routers (like the issue with guest wifi on the Superwifi 2) specially now that a lot of people works from home.
It would be very nice also to have the option to bridge one ethernet port on the Box 12 and Superwifi 2 to the guest LAN so you can connect your work laptop to ethernet for better performance but block the access to your home LAN. And please add the option to back up the settings, it is just very simple and basic…
And last, I think is very good that KPN adopted free choice of routers with other brands like AVM or at least some of the models. I understand that you have the option to pay extra to get AVM equipment and support. But for the people who buy and own any supported AVM router, I think the support should be free of charge.
I want to mention that during the installation of the KPN router I had to replace it because I could not log in (after trying many methods of resetting) and the guy from the customer service was just excellent and extremely polite, so hartelijk bedankt for that.