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Hello! I had really bad connection issues today.

The Modem stayed connected perfectly to my laptop and tablet but with phones, it just did not work. The connection drops after 20 minutes, like a public space wifi. Both phones were able to connect to other networks no problem, only the KPN home Modem raised an issue for us.

We also contacted out phone manufacturer, there were no issues with the phones.

What can be done? Thank you


Log eerst eens in op uw modem / router, vergelijk de instellingen die u daar heeft met de Wifi instellingen op uw telefoon. Ergens tussen die twee moet een fout in de instellingen zitten.

Doe dat via een pc of laptop met een stabiele verbinding.


First log in to your modem / router, compare the settings you have there with the Wifi settings on your phone. Somewhere between the two there must be an error in the settings.

Do that via a PC or laptop with a stable connection.

How do I log into the modem/router? Where do I go?

What kind of Modem / router do you have?

Fritzbox or Experia box?

Experia box has an default Ip adres:

The Fritzbox has an default Ip adres:


Its just the KPN Box 12 i believe


There is an community group for this typ of modem /router:

It is on this website. I don't have this Experiabox I have an Fritzbox.

All I know is that you can login on the Experiabox thru

You should have an password and username to login.


I hope you get it working, good luck!

Hi @Ann_V, the Wifi connection dropping after 20 minutes is weird. Does this only occur on your cell phones or do other devices (like a laptop) also experience this? Logging in to the modem like Softwaregeek suggests is a good idea, the password is on the back of the KPN Box 12. Did you manage to log in and check the Wifi settings?