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Keep getting messages from KPN(?): 

Wij hebben u een aantal dagen geleden een e-mail gestuurd om een afspraak met een KPN monteur te maken. Wij zien dat u nog geen afspraak hebt gemaakt. Zou u zo snel mogelijk een afspraak willen maken?

Is this legitimate?  There is a link: 

which I have not followed as I am suspicious. 

The mail does not come from (but rather which is not meeting the spam warning rules set by kpn.

Please advise


Hi @GregN, welcome! If I had to guess, I would say that this is our e-mail. Did you order an internet (&television) subscription? In some cases an installation mechanic has to come by. If you want me to check it for you, could you please update your forum profile with your zipcode + house number and evt. customernumber? I will look into it. 

Thanks.  Will update.  I haven’t ordered anything so it seemed strange that they would need to come to the house.

Yes, thanks! I see that some changes need to be made in the KPN connection point in order for your internet to work. I'm not sure what, but what I do know is that an installation mechanic has to come to your house to fix this.

OK, thanks.  Will schedule an appointment.