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Hi! I have purchased the internetbundel (8.99) but due to its slow speed.. I purchased the dagbundel. However, I can’t use the Dagbundel. Can you please deactivate the Internetbundel? Thanks.
Hi @Shayne, welcome! I see that you have already had contact with my webcare colleguaes and you've received your money back. I guess they already have told you that if you have the slow Onbeperkt Online Bundle, you won't get the speed from any other bundle you order? I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
Dear Shayne,

Please don't accept this answer from kpn. There are lots of people that paid for fast internet and did not get it. Kpn should instantly offer fast internet after a customer paid for it. If kpn is (as they state) technical incapable to offer fast internet in certain cases, they should refuse every buying request for a fast bundle. But kpn does not refuse any buying request, I myself have several overlapping fast bundles 'active', but I still have slow speed.

You can follow my queeste here:
Hi @dicobanning, I agree, as do most of my colleagues. Which is why, as you know, we're letting the technical specialists take a look at it. My colleague Bart has already told you that, at this moment, there isn't any other solution than for us to give you your money back, because there is no way that you will be able to use the other bundles.
Hi @Marcia_ I have now only the Dagbundel purchased, but it is till slow as the Internetbundel! Speed is like 0.1 mbps, mostly lower than that.. Please fix this
Hi Shayne, the Onbeperkt Online bundle you've purchased on the 8th of June, is still active. It ends at the 8th of July and at that moment you will be able to purchase a different bundle with a higher speed. So you still cannot use the Dagbundel and I will get you your money back for this one also. Unfortunately it's useless to purchase any more bundles until the 8th of July: it won't get any higher:-(.
Edit: I see you have received a textmessage yesterday that the Onbeperkt Online Bundle ends today. That is not the case, as i stated above. I'm not sure why you received this message! Sorry!
They stopped my onbeperkt cause they said it’s possible. Now you’re saying it’s not. Then how about my onbeperkt that was cancelled? It’s not showing on my app anymore.
As far as I know, it's not possible (yet) to end the Onbeperkt Online Bundle from our side. It's still there, but it also seems like it's gone. We are gonna let our technical colleagues look into it. My colleagues on social media will keep you posted about it. I think it's for the best when you keep talking to them, instead of using the forum also (or the other way around).
They stopped my onbeperkt cause they said it’s possible. Now you’re saying it’s not. Then how about my onbeperkt that was cancelled? It’s not showing on my app anymore.

Exactly same experience here, including the complete cluelessness of the helpdesk. Please check my topic:

@Marcia_ Better not reply or in stead of writing nonsense. You just raise confusion at TS.
I'm not sure where I raise confusion? I'm just stating the facts: it's not possible to delete the Onbeperkt Online and Bart and I are trying to fix this or at least make sure that it's not possible to purchase any more bundles at that moment. At this point your messages don't contribute to the solution, so I would advise you to wait until KPN figures this out. We will let you know if we have more information. If you have any more questions, please let us know in your own topic. Thanks!
Hi Shayne, you should have received a message from my colleagues on social media by now. We refunded the bundles that you couldn't use. You know now that you cannot purchase any other bundles if you have the Onbeperkt Online. We are trying to reach the colleagues who are responsible for our prepaid products and hope that they will change how this works. But for now, this is still how it works. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!