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I have a KPN 10 eur pre-paid sim card and I would like to know how I can recharge it from abroad?


Thank you.


Best regards,

Ricardo Silva

I presume you have it already activated? When you bought it in the Netherlands?

These 2 manners:

If you have a Dutch IBAN and can use iDeal via (other ways Visa or Paypal)


Someone in the Netherlands can buy a opwaardeerbon in a supermarket or magazine-shop.

En give the opwaardeercode in example via e-mail to you.

Hi Peter,


Yes, I have activated it when I bought it in the Netherlands.

When I try to recharge it in the link that you have provided it says that it is not possible that the “limit is reached”!


Best regards,

Ricardo Silva

Hmm, strange. 

But why a Dutch prepaid outside the Netherlands? Unless you are on Hollyday?

I am on vacation.

So there isn´t really another way?


Thank you.

Only the 2 ways i mentioned.

TIP: Next time Just before leaving put extra beltegoed on your phone 😉

A kpn moderator of the forum Will come here. 

Put some things as name and tje phone nummer in the

@Ricardo Silva Welcome to our forum. 

I see that @PeterG has given the right answer already. 

Have you already tried a different browser to try recharge your prepaid card? And do you get the same "limit is reached" notification?