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I just switched phones using the same SIM card size. The new phone requires the PUK code but gives me an error when I enter it.

This is a prepaid card that I linked to the MyKPN app.

How can I get a new PUK?

Please advise.


Hi @nlmrm  It should be available in “MijnKPN”.

However, you can retrieve your Puk-code by filling in this form as well:

Pukcode aanvragen | KPN

You'll need your 06-number and the simcard number.

Thank you @RBxx. I tried the link (with my 19-digit SIM card number), but that also gives me an error.

Is there any other way?

Hi @nlmrm you'll need only 8 digits from the 19-digit number. See this explanation (sorry it's in Dutch)

Het nummer dat je vindt, is meestal 19-cijferig en je hebt er maar 8 nodig. Die krijg je als volgt:

  • De eerste 6 cijfers (893108) zijn standaard voor KPN
  • De 2 nummers daarna heb je nodig
  • De 4 nummers daaropvolgend kan je ook weglaten
  • De 6 cijfers daarna maken jouw 8-cijferige simkaartnummer compleet

Een voorbeeld:  ICCID 893108 12 0000 345678 0   het simkaartnummer is hier dus 12345678.

Thank you again, @RBxx!

Unfortunately, I’m still getting: “De combinatie van het mobiele telefoonnummer en het SIM-kaartnummer is niet bekend bij ons. Controleer de gegevens en probeer het opnieuw.”

I’m not in the country and can’t go directly to a KPN agency. 

Any other alternative please?

Hi @nlmrm , did you only switch phones and moved the simcard from the old to the new phone?

Why do you need the the puk-code then? The pin-code should be enough to start your phone.

Or did you change to a new simcard as well? The puk-code is unique to a specific sim-card.


If all options fail, you'll have to wait for a KPN moderator who will react in this topic within a couple of days (it’s busy here).

Indeed, @RBxx. I’ve only switched phones, but I suspect the problem may be that I haven’t charged the SIM in a while.

I hope a mod will be able to help soon.

Thank you for your time and assistance, I appreciate it!

Hi @nlmrm, let's see if I can get the PUK code for you. Will you please fill in your profile with your mobile number and simcardnumber. Let me know when you did, then I will look into it for you. 

But if you haven't charged or used your sim the last half year, it's also possible that the sim is not in use anymore.

Hello @Bart_Z. I’ve added my phone number and SIM card (in the customer number field).

I’ve mostly used my Dutch number to receive text messages and totally forgot to top it.

Thank you!

The simnumber is indeed incorrect. I see a total different simnumber in my system. So you probably have not got the right sim. Where did you find the number? In your phone of on the actual simcard? Or did you recently switch simcard? The current simcard was activated somewhere in 2019.

The SIM card is from the back of the card, which I first activated in June (around the 24th?) 2019.

I was hoping to simply find the PUK code in my profile in the KPN app, but no luck.

Any other way to get the code?

Thank you @Bart_Z.

I can get you the PUK code, but then I do need the correct simcard number. I cannot provide a PUK code right now, as the phone number and simcard number do not match. Any PUK code I'd give you would be incorrect.

Thank you, @Denise_. Any chance I can order a new SIM card with the same phone number online (to be delivered internationally)?


@nlmrm You could normally get a SIM card with the same number, but we unfortunately don't deliver international. 

@nlmrm You could normally get a SIM card with the same number, but we unfortunately don't deliver international. 

And ordering a new simcard without the correct simcard number and/or puk-code of the old card will be difficult/impossible as well (I think).

Thank you @Rutger_ and @RBxx!

One last shot before I give up: I’m looking at my partner’s SIM card, and it only has 8 numbers ending with the letter U. We bought our cards from the same place, and they’re both prepaid. Any chance I’m entering the SIM card number wrong in the PUK retrieval link?

@nlmrm You should be able to retreive your PUK code with this simcard number, are you sure the right mobile number is in your profile? 

Otherwise I really would not know what is going on, and a new simcard with a new number will be the only option.