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I have taken a prepaid KPn number but did not activated in NL. Now I am in Luxembourg and trying to activate the number and do the balance topup.

I follow the instructions and to call 1244 but it’s not getting through.

Is there a mean to upload the balance and activate the internet pack by message?

Please help
When correct your prepaid sim card is already activated.


You can use the site below to topup the balance.
Thank you for the quick reaction.

It seems number is not activated . I already performed the steps mentioned in 2 and 3.

but I am in Luxembourg and cannot call any number, or 1244 or 1200 or receive any calls.

I already have top up codes which I bought from KPN shop in Netherlands.

I am looking for a means to topup those 30 euros top up codes to my number .

I dont have to buy the topup. That I already have.

I just need to know how can I top up the balance when not in NL

Than I hope an employee of KPN will soon react to this topic.
Goodmorning @Mukta, welcome to the KPN Forum!

I understand you are having issues with your prepaid simcard, because the simcard was not activated in the Netherlands.. It's not possible to activate it outside the Netherlands, unfortunately. The only thing I can do is check if I can activate it from a distance. Therefore I need some data from you. Can you fill in your Forum profile, I need the 06-number, simcardnumber and pukcode as a verification. You can add this after 'persoonlijke opmerkingen', and it's only visible for you and KPN moderators.

Can you send me a message (in this topic) when you have added the data? Then I can help you faster 🙂
I'm afraid Susan will not succeed in activation. Because the sim must have contact with de KPN network the first time. The network gets a signal that de sim is in the air and the network sends a signal back for the simcard. That is not possible abroad. That is only possible on the KPN network which is only available in the Netherlands off course.

You have te send the sim to someone in the Netherlands. This person can put it in his (hers) phone and place (an active!) call to another Dutch (!) number. After activation he (she) can send it back to you. Than it is activated en only then you can topup the balance.

Once activated on the KPN network in the Netherlands the number can be used worldwide.

Fortunatily Luxembourg is not that far from Holland. (at least nog as far as Australia, United States etc. We encounter forgotten activation in those country's to)
@PeterG I tried this once before with another prepaid customer and for him it did work! So therefore, I want to try it with @Mukta. No promises it will work this time, but as we say in the Netherlands: who doesn't dare who doesn't win 🙂
Hi Susan, Peter,

Since I was in desperate need of the mobile connection, and couldnt be handicapped, so I bought another SIM from Luxembourg.

Now my only problem is I have 2 top up vouchers worth 30Euros, which are waste.

Can KPN take those back since I did not use them?

Please let me know.

Thanks for your effort though :)


@Mukta, unfortunately we can't take it back, I'm sorry.. But aren't you going to use it when you are back in the Netherlands? Or did you only buy it for your stay in Luxemburg?
Hi Susan,

I needed that only for travelling purpose. But at the time of need, it didn’t work. I am not going to use it anymore as I took it for my brother who would not be coming to NL. For me it’s a waste of 30 euros .

But thanks for your assistance


Mukta Yadav
It's valid until a year after purchase. So maybe you can sell it? (via Marktplaats f.i. ?)

I don't have kpn-prepaid but lebara. Unfortunately I can't use it therefor.
No problem, I hope you can sell it or use it later on!
Thanks @PeterG and @Susan_ for your help.
