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I'm heb de kon unlimited €8.99 besteld maar het was te langzaam zo I'm heb de een dag unlimited besteld ook.  Nu vind ik dat alleen de eerste langzaam  bundle werkt.  Kan u mij refunderen?

I bought the prepaid 31 data unlimited bundle but found it too slow. I then tried to buy the faster one day unlimited bundle but found that they will not work at the same time?  May I please have a refund on the one day unlimited bundle?  Thank you!

Hi @Bundle 

There can only be one Prepaid bundle active at the same time.
When the other bundle is finished unused a KPN moderator can refund it. Put your 06-number and simcardnumber in your forum profile. Use the field "Persoonlijke opmerkingen” and save your input by clicking "Wijzigingen opslaan”.