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I am Alain.

 I bought some Simcards prepaid in Netherlands last week and traveled to Africa with. here, THE sims are roamED BUT CAN NOT SEND SMS OR RECEIVE CALLS EITHER

What can i do?

Hi there Alain! 

You need to activate a prepaid SIM card in the Netherlands. The SIM card must first make contact with the KPN network in the Netherlands before you can use it elsewhere. Have you activated the SIM card in the Netherlands by calling or texting with it or not?

I would like to take a look with you. Complete your forum profile with name, 06 number and corresponding SIM card number and give me a sign you did this and I will check it on activation.

I have completed my profile


My KPN number is *

I need the following number to be activated




They can all be activated under my account since ei will be the one to topup the credits monthly and NO, I did not activate it on Netherlands. i bought it on BOL.COM and fly with it directly

*Admin: 06-numbers moved to forum profile because of privacy.

@activate SIM thanks for the numbers. Can you also give me the corresponding simcard numbers because of the verification? You can send me these via a private message.

What corresponding numbers are you asking for?

i put this SIM CARDS inside a cell phone directly and put in pin number then its roamed with the local network here

So what do you need me to do 


The simcardnumber. So not only the 06-number, also the number on the simcard like in this picture within the red lines:

But you are saying that it's already working, the roaming? Because that's not quite possible when the simcards are not activated yet.



Can i have an email address where I can forward all the pictures of the Sim card 

to copy the number under the barcode is really long

Yes, sure. I will send it to you via a private message. Make sure you write down my name in the subject line.

@activate SIM thanks. I have activated them all for you! Maybee you have to restart your phone or take out the simcard and put it in again for it work! Will you keep me updated of this action of mine did work for you and your simcards?

@activate SIM I haven't heard from you. Are the simcards working?

OK, i will try them from the office on MONDAY and then let you know

